I had an old kicad v4 on my machine, and since I didn’t have any custom libraries, thought it would be a good idea to purge all vestiges of it from my laptop. I essentially did a
find / -iname "*kicad*" -print
… and deleted all resulting directories and files. Then I installed kicad-unified-5.0.1 following the usual instructions. However, I must have missed something, since when I launch kicad.app, the icons for eeschema and pcbnew (and a couple of others) are grayed out.
I don’t have any kicad files I care about keeping. How do I get back to a completely fresh state for installing 5.0.1?
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.14.3
BuildVersion: 18D109
… which certainly accomplished the “simply remove the kicad settings from your personal profile” requirement. I then did a fresh install of /Applications/KiCad and /Library/Application Support/kicad from the .dmg mount point.
As I mentioned, now when I launch /Applications/KiCad/kicad.app, the icons for eeschema, pcbnew, the symbol library editor and the footprint library editor are grayed out.
I’m beginning to think that macOS quarantining may be the culprit: these are all apps I’d opened under v4, and I note this comment in the ReadMe file:
You must open KiCad first before opening the standalone apps, or else the standalone apps won’t be able to open up due to macOS quarantining.
Is there a way to make macOS forget that it has seen an app before? That might help.
Well DANG! That was easy (and kinda stooopid of me!)
Many thanks. All good now.
[Note: although my real problem was a PICNIC issue (Problem In Chair, Not In Computer), the recipe I gave above for deleting all the old kicad state may be useful for someone else looking to do a clean re-install under macOS.]