Sine wave track for inductive position sensing

What’s the best way to lay out a sine wave in metal in KiCad (application: inductive position sensing)?

I can create a lot of straight tracks; I can plot arcs; I can use the new splines. I can dial the error down as far as I want, but that will obviously generate a lot of elements and all of the attendant problems that go along with that.

Which one is likely to give me the best results when I have to generate Gerbers for JLCPCB?


With really complex geometries it might be easiest to draw the geometry in some other program that suits you best, export it as vector graphics file, then import that into KiCad through File->Import->Graphics.

It will be imported as graphical shape. You can choose to assign a net to this shape, or convert it to tracks or zones depending on your specific needs.

Can’t help you with your question, but the background of your question is very interesting for me.

Do you have anything to read for me about this method?

This subject has been discussed a few times before :slight_smile:

A pretty cool script was also made for it.


Inductive position sensing? TU Graz has a nice video about it:

CAUTION: There is a lot of “woo” around these things. You can use all manner of patterns and layouts to get ever more accuracy at the expense of vastly more complication. There are a lot of PhD theses about this stuff.

In addition, there is also a lot of weirdness in the layouts that results from using two layers (these things are heavily targeted at automotive) which causes a lot of imbalance because the separation between copper is 1.6mm or so. If you are willing to use 4 layers then your separation is only 0.2mm and a 6 layer board would only be 0.1mm and the layout is a lot less problematic.


Thank you!
This vidoe (only started to watch it) is most helpful. It also answered (the unasked) question about the sinusoidal tracks that puzzled me most.

I’m in the middle of developing a multi channel, multi protocol positional interface. And a sin/cos-interface is on the list to (IC-haus).

BTW: You can order 0.4 mm double sided PCBs. JLCPCB offers them at a small additional cost. 0.6 mm (IIRC) at no extra cost. Yes, still more than 0.1 mm.

Sorry for the distraction of the subject

We wrote an addon to create coils in KiCad - maybe this is helpful for you as well: GitHub - DIaLOGIKa-GmbH/kicad-coil-creator: Generates PCB coils for KiCad