Schematic Review, Portable power supply

I have designed this power supply unit to get 3.3, 5, 8 and 12V. So that it acts like a secondry supply to test and power small projects and mircocontroller.

  1. I used TP5100 as charging in 2S mode

  2. 5v boost up mt3608 charging to charge the battery direclty from usb_5v

  3. Then some linear regulators for 3.3 and 5v

  4. And again a mt3608 booster for 12V out

I may utilize same booster circuit for charging the battery and 12V but then I have to change the jumpers and all, which I don’t want.

See my schematics:

It is probably best if you took your little boxes off to EasyEDA for comment. This seems nothing to do with Kicad.

I don’t like all the small blocks so you have to puzzle to see how these things are connected. For example, that “charge control” block is some filter, but what is it connected too? I have to go hunting for labels to find out.

Those boxes / lines are also hard on maintenance for the schematic. For bigger schematics, I like the titles of the sections to be in bigger letters and fat text, so they can also be read when zoomed out.

It’s also not a kicad project, so why post on the KiCad forum? It should be easy to convert it to KiCad though. KiCad does have an import for EasyEDA, but I have not tried it myself.

We don’t dislike you or your project, but this forum tries to limit itself to the use and functioning of KiCad itself, and questions about how KiCad works. This makes your thread off-topic, and that is why jmk closed it.