Schematic - PCB - Breadboard

This is how you call the voltage spikes that occur when inductors are involved. The spikes you want to suppress with diodes (or snubbers or whatever).

TVS diodes are pointless.
Just use a regular diode (or a Schottky, if you want to splurge).
The spike only occurs in one polarity, so a normal diode is all you need.

Yeah, a generic 1n400x or schottky is usually used. There are other approaches with varistors and such, and when turn-off speed is important a zener can be added in series with a regular diode.

Would the diode keep it from reaching such a voltage?

Hey Moderators – @Duke_Evan is a spammer and should be deleted – he came back after the fact to edit his post with my quote to change the link and sneak in a a spam link.

Mod: Deleted for when the damned AI bots start reading graphics file.

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Seems to mods were working on this POS at the same time. Gonzo…