Schematic Libraries 5.0.2 problem

Friend, don’t joke on me. I have assembled Z80 yet in USSR

Ok, but these libraries do not exist in the directory you posted. Are you not able to add components to a schematic?

I’ve escaped communists in 1989. … was not funny.

The “not found” libraries seem to be from KiCad V4.
It looks like there is some mixup of the libraries for KiCad versions V4 and V5.
Rene_poschl has written some extinsive guidelines (on this forum) about problems when KiCad V4 and V5 get mixed. I think it’s a good idea if you read those.

Sorry… Have I just ignorantly missed these? OMG! Before, nothing was found… Just blindly followed the old issues… Sorry… What is the best way to add these?

Since I’m new here, may you, please, point me to the thread? Thankxx!

I’m having some trouble finding it as there have been more threads about problems with migration, but I think I found the right thread:

Can you open a schematic and then “a” from “add” ?
Can you add anything to a schematic, or do you have no schematic symbols at all?

Have a read through

Lots of good info in there.

If you’re paranoid you may want to obfuscate your user name in the pathname on your screenshot and stay far away from political issues on public forums. :slight_smile:

haha ;o) yeah, I am paranoid, but to this grade ;o) Anyway, thanks!

Thank you. I guess, I was too blind, but now I can see ;o). Really, sometimes you’re just stuck on one single point of view, … Thanks!

Wow. Active topic overnight (for me).

@ossdevel The issue that probably tripped you up was the listing of all the not found libraries. Previous to KiCad5 the list of libraries was kept in the project’s .pro file, now they are kept in the “global” sch-lib-table file (as well as a capability to have project specific libraries listed in a project’s sch-lib-table). This helps to make changes to one’s list of regularly used libraries easier to maintain across all projects.

There was also a significant reorganization of the libraries. You don’t need to worry about trying to get the old libraries re-installed because the contents of those libraries are within the new libraries. The next time you do something that will save the .pro file the pointers to the old library locations will be removed from the .pro file. Oddly, you can’t do that from the project manager, but if you go into Eeschema you can force the .pro file to be saved with the current v5 format with the menu item Preferences/Save Project File....

Version 4 to 5 understood. Thank you all for your help!

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