Schematic Help - Can I wire over other connections?

I think that if it will be changed it will be an option - you will be able to use dots or hop overs.
I remember the discussion here (2…3 years ago) and the need for hop overs was because in aviation industry there are standards forcing the use of hop overs. I don’t know if someone assembling the Boeing 747 uses paper printed schematic but if so then imagine many times folded sheet of paper if it happens that fold line coincides with the wire at schematic.

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Nobody uses “ hop overs” !

Makes sense, but this discussion is crazy. Now, dots and hope overs are not the same things. Dots, connect wires, while jump-overs do not connect them. And discussing this is waste of time. It is like improving the program for web designers instead of electrical and electronic engineers.

Junctions are used when the intention is to “connect wires” while jump-overs should be used when you “do not want to connect them”. So if you do not want to connect, then you should not do anything. It is kind of counterintuitive having to dot something to not connect things. It is like things are short-circuited by default.

But those using hop overs don’t use dots and those not using hop overs use dots.

Someone (don’t remember nick) writing here that he would need hop overs was writing that if wires crosses he simply intuitively understand them as being connected. He is just used to understand schematic that way as he (for many, many years) uses only schematics with hop overs.
The other rule from that standard mentioned by him was that wires can’t be crossed at schematic - so there are no + situations nowhere at schematic. Only T situations (without dots) are allowed. But he seeing (not allowed) crossing wires without hop over simply feels as being connected.

The use of hop-overs go back a long time. 100 years at least. It’s a relict of paper schematics, facsimiles, blueprint copies etc.
Two crossing connections would after several copy processes “bloom” into a dot, which made dots undesirable and hop-overs necessary.

That’s no longer the case with electronic formats.
Thus, for clarity/readability, the crossovers and dots are more desirable today.

You need not to tell me that. It is obvious for me.
I’m just trying to explain the other point of view.

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