Hi . thanks for the pointers.
There seems to be a big difference to using clearance and physical_clearance.
So the inspector now indicates these clearances using clearance rather than physical_clearance.
Right… alright then that clears that up. ! doesnt quite work the way I expected it,
(See physical_clearance
if you wish to specify clearance between objects regardless of net.)"
that’s fine, moving on :
Now my rule at the top of my DRU file works:
(rule "override clearance"
(condition "A.NetName == '*'")
(constraint clearance (min 0.125mm)))
I’ve got an example below where I have a rule for spacing of these nets
Rule :
(rule "trace to trace clearance example1"
(condition "A.NetName == 'A' && B.NetName=='B'")
(constraint clearance (min 1.5mm)))
Checking rule ‘trace to trace clearance example1’ clearance: 1.5000 mm.
Checking rule condition “A.NetName == ‘A’ && B.NetName==‘B’”.
Condition not satisfied; rule ignored.
Why did it not satisfy the condition ?. I thought it would catch all objects on all nets with netnames A and B ?
When I added an object check- it did work
(condition "A.Type == 'track'")
so I need to specify an object, so default object is not (star), it needs to be specified. OK.
So if I want a catch all between those nets I need to impose an additional condition
(condition "A.Type == '*'")
another example :
(rule "trace to trace clearance example2"
(condition "A.Type == 'Track' && B.Type == 'Track'")
(constraint clearance (min 1.7mm)))
Checking rule ‘trace to trace clearance example2’ clearance: 1.7000 mm.
Checking rule condition “A.Type == ‘Track’ && B.Type == ‘Track’”.
Rule applied; overrides previous constraints.
That was for any track, but it still showing as OK on the PCB .
How come when I inserted that rule, the continuous DRC checker did not flag all the traces on the board that failed that ?
OK I see it flags it if I try to do anything like drag.
But it does not prevent me moving the trace close. The behaviour I expected is to stop my moving the trace close, not allow me to push right over it.
Stopping me getting close enables quick minimum clearance setup. otherwise its a careful push until the trace flags green, and with fine grids (0.1mm) you can end up not quite at minimum clearance when you back off a bit from the flagged error.
Is there any way I can get using a single keypress, an DRC run that shows in highlighting (not arrows) all the online DRC errors ? IE if I change a rule for trace clearance, I could immediately get all the traces that are violating highlighted in the violation color…?