With the information provided it is very difficult to provide help. Basic starting information necessary would be what version of KiCad are you using, whether or not you have a schematic and a screenshot of where you are having trouble. It maybe that you have clearance issues - trying to connect too wide a track with too wide clearances to a pad is a common cause of this sort of issue but there are many other reasons why you are having problems. Often it is simplest to post your entire project for review.
If I update the PCB from the schematic the first time, not problem, but when I save the project the problems appear.
I have created the outline and saved it and now works. I had tried this before the ugrade and the update but it had not worked. Let’s see if it doesn’t appear anymore.
Could you copy the complete Kicad version that you are using (from the About Kicad menu) and paste it here? Also, can you zoom out your board a bit to show the whole thing.