Rounded Tracks Reloaded ... again: RF Tools for KiCad

Hi maui,

thanks for sharing the info! I know how to create new symbols, but I was assuming that there are already symbols available in some library. Can you share the uWave Library shown on the screenshots?

If I’m reading @maui 's example image correctly, you can add testpoint in the schematic to the pin for which you want to use Taper. Assign taper footprint to that testpoint.

xaled Of course you can.
Something like this would do.
It basically manifests as a round clear pad on B.Cu.

Thanks guys for the test point advice. I was thinking about the special forms that maui uses for the test point symbol. It is just esthetics but if they are available why not share it?

Now I see what you need :smiley:
I will include those libs to the repo…

Great, sorry for not being clear enough from the beginning.

I’m attaching here a full portable example using Bend & Taper (schematic, schematic lib, footprint & pcb included) (10.4 KB)
I will include it in my GH repo later on, within the other RF examples.

I forgot to ping @xaled

KiCad plugin’s blog post on Hackaday


I’m very impressed by these plugins. Great for RF design!

Installation of the plugins from the command line was simple (On Linux, KiCad 5.1.5):

  1. install the Python module pyclipper
  2. cd into one of the directories KiCad searches for plugins in (See link to plugin doc earlier in the thread)
  3. git clone
  4. Start pcbnew and you will see the new icons in the top row

I assume a git pull will be enough to keep the plugins update with fixes/improvements.

Thanks for creating these plugins :slight_smile:

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