For a project I’m working on currently, I needed a way to round tracks in PcbNew. I found the work of Julian Loiacono ( but I could’nt make it work in KiCad 5.1 and it didn’t work with multilayer layout nor vias. So I updated it and repacked it in a action plugin here :
Rounding tracks is done by approximating a curve with multiple small track segments, making difficult and laggy any modifications after the plugin action. So this plugin copy the source file and apply its algo on the copy, which you can open, check and eventually plot into gerbers.
You can choose to make the modification in place or in a duplicate file (default).
This plugin works by approximating arcs with many small segments, making PcbNew laggy and track modifications extremely difficult after the plugin has been run. I hope this plugin become eventually obsolete with the futurs enhancements of KiCad.
The new file has the same name as the old except the extension is .kicad_pcb-rounded.
You may want to verify that nothing is broken by running the DRC before plotting your board.
All zones are refilled after the process.
There really should be a database somwhere for collecting all these plugins, or at least a place with short descriptions of that those plugins are for…
Next step is to put all the components slanted, to make it look like they’re just thrown onto the board randomly…
Until some sort of “official” repository is availble for plugins, xesscorp (I forget who that is here) seems to have a well maintained list of 3rd party tools here:
I’d advise @procsynth to add his efforts there. (Check the file for the easy instructions to add to the list.)
You can choose to make the modification in place or in a duplicate file (default).
The new file has the same name as the old except the extension is .kicad_pcb-rounded.
All zones are refilled after the process.