Reverted window view. First time run. Win7 RTL [SOLVED]

Hello. I just installed 5.1.5 on new Win7 PC, and have got flipped main window. the same with Eeschema etc. However i cannot find a solution! please, help…

That sounds impossible :slight_smile:

Anyways, there must be something wrong with some Windows locale setting. Check anything related to language or region. WxWidgets (the UI library which KiCad uses) apparently thinks you are using a RightToLeft language.


Great, eelik, it was really simple. Solved
thank you!

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English (United Kingdom) should not cause this

Probably the screenshot is “after”?

.thgir ot tfel si hsilgnE KU.os tcepxe I

Correct. the problem was solved by change “Format” to UK.
initially it was Right-To-Left region…
the screen is after

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