Reverse engineer pcb to schematic - schematic script

Assume you have placed all components on pcb and schematics.
Selecting a pad on the pcb automatically selects the corresponding pin on schematics.
Does anyone know how this works?

Idea: Write a script for schematics to draw lines between selected pins?

I could not find the module for eeschema (corresponding to pcbnew - “import pcbnew”) to access objects in the schematic editor.

You have created a very similar thread 6 days ago:

… and I was tempted to just close this thread because of that.

KiCad is not a primary tool for reverse engineering, although it does have some reverse engineering capabilities. At the moment there are no extra tools in KiCad to help with this. In the few experiments I did, working (mostly) forward seems to work best, because it’s closest to a normal PCB design.

Combined it’s sort of:

  1. Import one or more images of the PCB in the PCB editor.
  2. Put some schematic symbols on the schematic.
  3. Use: Schematic Editor / Tools / Update PCB from Schematic [F8] to get the footprints on the PCB.
  4. Place those footprints in the right spot. (also use them to scale the bitmap image).
  5. Draw some wires between schematic symbols.
  6. Use: Schematic Editor / Tools / Update PCB from Schematic [F8] again to get the netlist into the PCB editor.
  7. Draw some PCB tracks so the ratsnest lines go away, verify them with the bitmap image.
  8. Re-iterate over previous steps until the work is complete.

Because both the schematic and PCB are growing gradually, and you also have visual confirmation of what you have already done (because your footprints have PCB tracks), you won’t get lost so easily.

You are right. My idea was, with scripting support in schematics i could help myself a little better.

Conclusion - There must be reverse connection from pcb to schematics beside the not existing net list in schematics?

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