Read netlist in pcbnew cant find the footprints that are on disk

I tried the get started approach to create a pcb design, and when I get to the read netlist part the netlist reader cant find the footprints that are in the C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\kicad\modules*.pretty. I tried reading by reference and timestamp but neither works. what can I do to fix this???

Check the FAQ link at the top of the page and look at the top of the page. You do have to assign the footprints before netlist knows about them.

What version of kicad are you running?

Did you create the schematic yourself? If not is it possible that the original designer either used a different release of the official libs or specialized libs for that one project that you need to add to your installation?

Is the lib you are expecting to be found part of the official libs or is it one of your personal lib? (Is the lib in the fp lib table?) If it is a personal lib, this post about creating a fp lib from scratch might have some info for you.

For the official footprint libs, kicad version 4 does use on demand online libs. This does not work if you are behind a proxy. You can install local libs. More details see the faq entry about installing footpirnt libs

It might also be a good idea to read the faq post concerning footprint assignment As it might be necessary to re assign some of your footprints if you don’t have access to the same libs as the original designer.

Yes, I created the schematic following the getting started in KiCad procedure. I’m using KiCad version 4.0.7. The schematic is a buzzer circuit using a 555 timer and a transistor to drive the buzzer. If I can figure it out, I will append the schematic to this reply. The PCB part, however, gives me errors that it can’t find the footprints that I associated with the parts using the cvpcb tool. I looked at the library table file and it seems to have the footprints all there, and the environment variables look correct. the netlist also looks like it has the associated footprints for the parts.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If you use the default setup for kicad version 4 you need constant internet access as the footprints are downloaded on demand.

So if you don’t have internet access while importing your netlist but had access while assigning using cvpcb then the error is explained.

I would suggest you install the libs locally. (see the faq post about installing footprint libs i already linked above)

The Footprint libraries were already installed with the default setup. They are at C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\local\modules. There is an environment variable setup also: KISYSMOD = C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\kicad\modules. This variable is internal to KiCad?? I don’t see it on my system

The error messages I get when reading the netlist are :

Info: Reading netlist file “C:\Users\wm1me\OneDrive\Documents\KiCad\Designs\”.
Info: Using references to match components and footprints.
Error: No footprint defined for component ‘U1’.
Error: No footprint defined for component ‘R1’.
Error: No footprint defined for component ‘R2’.
Error: No footprint defined for component ‘R4’.
Error: No footprint defined for component ‘R3’.
Error: No footprint defined for component ‘C2’.
Error: No footprint defined for component ‘C1’.
Error: No footprint defined for component ‘C3’.
Info: Checking netlist component footprint “C1:/5A7682DC:”.
Error: Cannot add new component “C1:/5A7682DC” due to missing footprint “”.
Info: Checking netlist component footprint “C2:/5A768112:”.
Error: Cannot add new component “C2:/5A768112” due to missing footprint “”.
Info: Checking netlist component footprint “C3:/5A76867F:”.
Error: Cannot add new component “C3:/5A76867F” due to missing footprint “”.
Info: Checking netlist component footprint “Q1:/5A76FA9D:TO_SOT_Packages_THT:TO-39-3”.
Info: Checking netlist component footprint “R1:/5A7679DF:”.
Error: Cannot add new component “R1:/5A7679DF” due to missing footprint “”.
Info: Checking netlist component footprint “R2:/5A767A02:”.
Error: Cannot add new component “R2:/5A767A02” due to missing footprint “”.
Info: Checking netlist component footprint “R3:/5A767A70:”.
Error: Cannot add new component “R3:/5A767A70” due to missing footprint “”.
Info: Checking netlist component footprint “R4:/5A767A3F:”.
Error: Cannot add new component “R4:/5A767A3F” due to missing footprint “”.
Info: Checking netlist component footprint “U1:/5A767724:”.
Error: Cannot add new component “U1:/5A767724” due to missing footprint “”.

From your errors it looks like you had not assigned footprints to at least some of the symbols at the time you exported the netlist.
If you indeed have assigned footprints for all symbols now, you might want to reexport the netlist. (Check via cvpcb that all symbols have a footprint.)
The order of operation is: Make the schematic, annotate schematic, run the electrical rule check, assign footprints, export netlist, open pcb_new, import netlist.

Read my comment (and the FAQ post) again. Yes there are footprints “installed” (The files are there.) But the default kicad setup does not use them! The fp-lib-table normally points to github. (open the library manager found in the preferences menu of pcb_new and look for your self.)
I bet the plugin type for your footprint libs is GITHUB and the path starts with ${KIGITHUB}. (Unless you edited the fp lib table already or have some non standard installation)

You are right. I edited the fp-lib-table to point to the C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\kicad\modules directory. I changed the plugin type to KiCad. Do I need a special script to make this work?? I looked on GitHub for a KiCad plugin and didn’t see one.

Never mind, I reran cvPcb then exported the netlist from eeschema and everything worked ok when I read the netlist from PCBnew.

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