Raspberry Pi Templates?


I am looking to replace fritzing with schematics and diagrams.

KiCad seems like a great alternative, but I am wondering if it really is?

I would like to create quick diagrams for various projects and possibly design deeper if I want, but at this time I just want to make some quick reference diagrams. Is this possible with KiCad? What I am looking for are existing assets for the Raspberry Pi 3. Where can I find these? I tried this GitHub library but the latest KiCad tells me it is corrupted: GitHub - lucahttp/Raspberry-Pi-3-library-for-kicad: this proyect is an library of Raspberry Pi 3 b or 2 footprint (PCB) and symbol (Schematics) for kicad

Which pi do you need . . . these are in the standard libraries that get installed, I’m on version 7.0.6

In the KiCad project manager, you can: File / New Project from Template, and then choose between two versions of a “hat” for the Raspi.

Also, with: RepoRecon and then fill in “KiCad” for the topic and “description:raspberry”, you get a list of 345 projects related to KiCad and the raspi’s. You can use them as is, as inspiration for derivatives, or just to take some small parts out of for your own projects.

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