Unfortunately I do not really understand your question. It seems it’s meaning is lost in translation.
I suggest you start with a few simple “dummy” projects just to get to know KiCad. Design a Ne555 blinking LED or an opamp amplifier or whatever. Then see how things in the schematic match with things (and zones) on the PCB. KiCad does not always keep the internal geometry of zones up to date (In KiCad V7 it is a setting in the Preferences) If it is set to manual, then use the B hotkey to re-calculate internal zone geometry.
Filled zone has specified its net and connects only to pins that are at the same net (according to schematic). Filled zone keeps away from other nets.
See part of one my PCB:
Here all big red areas belong to one filled zone connected to GND net. When zone is filled (hotkey b) KiCad takes care to not connect it with all tracks that are other nets.