Python script - keep terminal console open (solved)

Python 2.7 is obsolete. KiCad is having some troubles transitioning because it has (had?) dependencies for libraries that were not available for Python V3, but most distributions run on Python V3, and I think the switch to Python V3 should be complete before KiCad V6 is released.

I know.
I could have provided the path to my system python3 for this script, but since it was a small matter of changing the format of several “print” statements, I changed it. When Kicad will move to python3 I will change it back

Or make the script compatible with both and don’t worry later.

or any page found by searching for “python 2 3 compatible” or something similar.

But like Paul said, luckily this isn’t needed after v6 has been released because only python 3 will be supported.

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