Problems with loading a schematic file and a lost footprint file

I’m the first to admit I am a new KiCad user. I created a schematic file and saved it. I then started to create pcb file. But first I created a footprint file and then I (thought) I saved it. Now when I try to reopen the schematic file, I am met with this message
“KiCad Schematic Editor Information
Unexpected ‘version’ in ‘/Users/redacted/ Desktop/Jim’s Switch-backups/Jim’s
Switch-2025-02-05_230815 5/Jim’s
Switch.kicad_sch’, line 2, offset 3.”. But, the schematic file does open and looks correct.
The next problem is I cannot find the footprint file from within KiiCad. But, if I use my OS to look for a .sym file I could find it, currently I cannot. I have checked all aspects of the structures of my SSD and all check out as fine. I have also looked at all of the backup zip files, I can’t find the .sym file in any of them. In addition if I try to open any of the schematic files in the backups, I always get the error referenced above.

Computer: MacBook Pro M1
OS: MacOS Sequoia 15.2
KiCad: 8.0.8


Could you at least post the first few lines of a schematic file so that we can see the version line? It should look like this:

        (version 20231120)
        (generator "eeschema")
        (generator_version "8.0")

“version” does in fact start at offset 3, so maybe some other program is reading the schematic? How are you opening the schematic? Normally you should open it from the project manager. In normal use you shouldn’t open it from standalone eeschema or via app association with the icon.

I think it’s a really bad idea to use apostrophes in file/path names. That’s my experience.

Here is the front end of the file.

	(version 20231120)
	(generator "eeschema")
	(generator_version "8.0")
	(uuid "f24faef5-5c4b-453b-8863-69584735363b")
	(paper "A4")

I have never attempted to open this file with anything other than KiCad app. I have no problem of the entire file if it would be of any use.
I will certainly avoid the apostrophes in the future.

Thanks to all

Try starting the KiCad app and then navigating to the project folder and opening the schematic from the project manager.

A footprint file would have the suffix .kicad_mod. And for symbol files it’s .kicad_sym.

Are you following the standard workflow? Have you read the Getting Started document at ?

And since you are creating your own footprints (or is it a symbol?), have you read jmk’s FAQ on setting up personal libraries? KiCad 7 & 8 Beginners Guide to Personal Symbol and Footprint Libraries

When I started the schematic file from with in KiCad I get these messages.
19:20:37: Unexpected ‘version’ in ‘/Users/ershler/Desktop/Jim’s Switch.kicad_sch’, line 2, offset 3.
19:20:38: Unexpected ‘version’ in ‘/Users/ershler/Desktop/Jim’s Switch.kicad_sch’, line 2, offset 3.
and again, here’s the front end of the file.
(version 20231120)
(generator “eeschema”)
(generator_version “8.0”)
(uuid “f24faef5-5c4b-453b-8863-69584735363b”)
(paper “A4”)
But then the file opens.

I seem to have gotten into troubles when I tried to create a footprint for the 12 Pole Double Throw Pushbuttton switch. This whole project is just to select one of two RS485 sources. Even though the connectors look like ethernet this project has nothing to do with ethernet.
Can I still use the schematic file, even with the error on loading?
So at this point, I will take all the suggestions provided and try again with the footprint for the switch so I can layout a simple PCB.
I certainly appreciate the prompt answers to my quandaries.

Thanks Again,

I suspect you are opening the schematic by clicking on its file icon. I’m guessing this fires up the KiCad project manager which looks at it and says, that’s not a project file, I’ll hand this over to the schematic editor.

You should always (unless it’s a special situation where you are instructed different) start KiCad from the project manager, and then open the schematic from there. Later on you will need the project manager so that the schematic and layout are linked. Stick to the standard workflow.

Hands appropriately slapped. Thanks