Possible to hide Library Symbols so they don't show up in the "Add Symbol" menu?


I am working on a project that requires a few relatively unique capacitors. I’m creating a Project Symbol Library so they don’t take up space in my regular, Global Symbol Library (I mean, obviously. This is the point of Project Libraries).

One issue that is bugging me, though, is I want to derive the symbols from a common capacitor symbol, which means creating a new template symbol of sorts to derive from; I can’t derive a symbol from another library, so I create a new capacitor symbol by copying from my Global Library to my Project Library. The (minor but annoying) issue is I now have two generic symbols named, “Capacitor,” that are literally just duplicates of each other. So my question is as follows: Can I hide a schematic symbol so it doesn’t show up when I go to add a symbol in the schematic editor?

Thanks in advance for any help.

I think there are several issues here. Having 2 “capacitor” will become a problem.

  1. Rename the symbol in the Proj Spec Lib to "cap-ps) or something to indicate it is unique. I assume you are going to edit the PSL cap to have some unique property, otherwise why even have the symbol?
  2. You may want to have some visual indication that the symbol came from the PSL. Possibly an accent mark like an unlaut or whatever, don’t make it from scratch, use a slightly non-standard but still ASCII char. Without such an indication future technicians will not be aware of the uniqueness of the device.
    As is occasionally the case, I missed your point entirely. In that case, ignore this (8-).

Short answer is no, you can’t do exactly what you want.

My recommendation if you want to keep track of many different capacitors is to use database or HTTP libraries rather than using project-specific libraries and derived symbols.

I am having trouble understanding your problem.

Only one Personal Symbol Library? Personal Libraries are much easier to navigate if you have many. I have 25. See this FAQ on how to create and organize Personal libraries.

Another easier method is to find the symbol you want from the library list in the Symbol Manager then RMB, click “Save As”, change the name (if you wish) in the newly opened chart, scroll through the library list and highlight the library in which you want to place the symbol, or create a new library for the “save as” symbol.

All the non polarized capacitors have the one symbol. The difference between individual types is in the properties, not the actual symbol.

I hadn’t heard of these. I will look into them. Thanks!

Hey jmk. I think there was a misunderstanding, I have a lot of Libraries for different symbols already, that I myself made and saved. There are Global libraries that are accessible to every project, then Local libraries that are accessible only to the current project.

My “issue” is that I, for example, already have a section in Global Library that I myself made that is dedicated to capacitors. There are capacitors that I am using regularly in my current project that will not be commonly used in other projects. Therefore, I want to create a Library that contains these capacitors, but I do not want to “pollute” my own Global capacitor library with these entries. I also want to derive these capacitors from my own generic Capacitor symbol so if I have to edit them, the edits propagate from that original symbol. Thus, the “issue” is that I now have two generic capacitor symbols, one of which (the Local library one) is a duplicate of the other (my own Capacitor symbol from my own Global Capacitor Library). This is a pain to work with and inefficient. Hopefully that clears things up. (This is a bit of a pain to describe through text hahah)

I will take craftyjon’s suggestion up and see how it works, I think he’s understood what I’m describing. I will post my progress on this “issue” as I get through it.