Please comment on this library scheme

Once you go down the path to database driven atomic libraries you will never want to go back. Sure, it takes a while to create all the entries for all your resistors, but you only have to do it once. Need a 10k, 0603 resistor? Its right there - no editing values or footprints or supplier parts numbers. No guess work. No mistakes.
So long as the part picker has some kind of filter, part selection is super simple.

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My current frustration is dealing with discrete components. I’ve ventured off into creating my own resistor and capacitor symbols that include footprints.

I do the same thing.
Of course there are many ways of organizing one’s libraries, so it’s hard to give one that will work for everyone.

Some people go as far as creating one symbol per value, with the associated MPN. You can just create derived symbols from one of your base symbols, and name them with their value (like: Resistor-0402-10k), set the corresponding value field, and set one or more MPN fields with MPNs (more than 1 if you want alternatives). That’s tedious at first, but will save a lot of time down the line when creating BOMs.