Hi All,
I am New to Kicad, Can Some one Teach me how to Replicate Group of Component, Like Same set of Components,
Ex :- In using same 6 Same Circuits in my design, But i Placed 1 Set need to Replicate other 5 Circuit like That 1 Placement Completed Group Please Suggest
But Refdes need to be same what i given in Schematic…
Please Explain Detaily, If you have any Document Please Share
If you need a PCB panel ask the PCB house for it.
This wouldn’t just be useful for creating PCB panels, sometimes you need it in a single design too.
I had the same problem when I routed a board which contained multiple channels. I couldn’t find a way to do it automatically so I had to manually copy the design part by part, trace by trace.
I used layout_cloner on a 32 channel board a while back:
Remember to always backup your PCB file before running the scripts against them.
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