Performing steps in PCB editor


Once I made my schematic and performed all the steps to create the PCB, my working method is uselly:

PCB editor:

1: Connect all parts which are not a part of for example +5V and ground.
2: Once the parts are on thier place, I create edge.Cuts / draw a rectangle
3: Fill zone +5V (example)
4: Fill zone ground.

What I want to know wether there is a other way to do step 3 and 4, without the requirement that step 2 is done. The reason I ask is, when I perform step 1, I don’t want see to the connections to ground and the (example) +5V. Less spaghetti. Just for a better overview.

Thanks in front,


This reads like a convoluted story for a simple question.

Go to PCB Editor / Appearance Manager / Nets and unselect the “eye” before the nets you want to make invisible. You can also right click on a name to open a popup menu with some more options.


Another option is to go to PCB Editor / Tools / Net Inspector and then simply delete the nets you are not interested in. You will get the netlist back when you Update PCB from Schematic again later.

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Thanks for that…good there are questions, even better when there are also answers to it.



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