Odd behaviour when making a "large pad / zone" out of traces

I’m utterly puzzled by this. I can assure you (like, 150% absolute certainty) that I did not draw those traces like that; I just drew one from top-left to bottom-left, then one from bottom-left to bottom-right, then one from bottom-right to top-right, and last one from top-right to top-left. (and then one from bottom-right to the center point between the four top-most vias)

In fact, when I did the same four on the opposite layer, those four disappeared, and only the one at the center remained. I never drew and never saw the six horizontal lines (I see them now, after downloading the file I posted — so, it must have been at the moment of saving the file … huh, unless, as a prank, someone edited my post and reuploaded the file? hehehe, that would actually be a clever prank! :laughing: not sure whether it’s even possible, and I’m just joking, I’m sure no-one here would do that, even if it is possible! :slight_smile: )

I had forgotten to comment on this — thanks for the tip; good to know.

I had actually worked around the issue by copy-n-pasting the set of traces from one layer to the other (i.e., select traces, copy, then paste, then edit and change the layer, then move to position — not an issue since both the copy and the paste operations are done with the cursor at a grid point). Of course, much easier to temporarily disable the “Delete redundant traces” setting.

Thanks again!

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