I use my own python script, but on the last kicad version : 5.0.0-rc2-dev-unknown-5a05135~64~ubuntu16.04.1 then python shell icon have been removed.
How can I lauch the script ?
I think this may be related to the ongoing problems with wxPython. https://lists.launchpad.net/kicad-developers/msg35370.html There doesn’t appear to be any other way to launch scripts from KiCad.
There seems to be a belief among devs that “not many people use python scripts”. I appreciate wxPython is a tricky problem, but it’s a big step back in functionality if Python support is reduced.
If you are using Bionic, then you won’t have access to wxPython (which is needed for the shell) due to incompatibilities between the version the Bionic ships and what KiCad requires.
That said, if you want to run your own script, you can still do that by either running your Python shell outside of KiCad or making your script into an “Action Script”. There are a few examples in the demo folder to get you started but holler if you get stuck.
thanks for the information.
I tried the action script. (HOWTO: Register a python plugin inside pcbnew Tools menu), it works.
I will try to modify my python file to use it as plugin.
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