No library found on start up

hi there
I am a newbie , when i open eeschema it saya no libraries found ?- (shows list of not found) is this normal ?

How do you open Eeschema? From project manager or not.

KiCad version?
4.0.0 in Windows had default path errors for a start

Hi David
I’m running linux mint 17.3, and using Kicad 4.0.2. I would just like to
use the Pcb maker mainly, as before I had linux I was running windows with
Rimu pcb. How do Iimport footprint libraries to pcb maker

txs john?

I have a similar problem on one of the computer’s I use (I assume we are talking about the Footprint libraries). I have not changed any paths as they work on the other computer I have. The faulty one attempts to load the footprint from an online source and as it can’t achieve this puts up an appropriate error message. It appears to makes no attempt to find them on the C drive.

I am very new to KiCad, and pcb design so l’m on a bit of a learning curve!

And a big hello to you all, this is my first post!


I’m not on Linux, but there is 2 ways to solve this:

  • search for the fp-lib-table file, which contains the settings/paths for KiCAD where to search for the online footprint repositories and repair it/upgrade it to the correct paths, which you can find out here: … there go for the kicad-library repo
    original path from trusted source: ( )

  • or you can run the libraries/repos locally and tell KiCAD via the >Preferences>Configure Paths settings where those are (and won’t have to bother with the public libs again) after you downloaded them manually from github (if you don’t have them) or you make your own

PS: I have no idea atm how the online thing works with the symbol libraries for EEschema (ie, where it keeps the online URL). For local libs one currently needs to tinker with the file in the template folder, to get running - read some troubleshooting about it here: