No GND Net in PCBNew

I am in the process of creating a PCB for a keyboard I am designing and have an issue. I have created my schematic with all components wired and grounded according to the documentation for the ATMEGA32u4 but when I go into the pcbnew environment and attempt to create a copper fill zone to ground all of the keyboard switches and diodes there is no GND net listed on the list of nets to select from. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

your gnd symbol looks smaler than i would expect the kicad default one to look. Is this one made by you? If so are you aware that the pin name defines the resulting net name not the symbol name or value? See Tutorial: How to make a symbol (KiCad v5.1.x)

If that is not the case then make sure you did not connect another label or power symbol to the same net as any net can only ever have one name.l

It looks like you have some text in the filter box:

When you filter nets, not all of them are visible.
*&^%$#@! any site which annoys me with the cookie nonsense, especially it the falsely claim the “respect my privacy”. So I have not seen the screenshot.

Do the ratsnest lines appear in Pcbnew?
Also: Insides of zones have to be updated manually after movement or placement of components with the B shortcut key.

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