New string replacement options for kicad assets

User defined fields of the symbol can now be referenced in the footprint because the user fields are propagated from eeschema to pcbnew when updating the board.

The texts including variables are still used as-is, unresolved, when propagating and can’t necessarily be resolved in pcbnew, so using e.g. hierarchical sheet user fields isn’t possible. You would only get the unresolved variable name in pcbnew. For this see

Now the hierarchical sheets can be fully parameterized and the result is seen in the schematic and in the layout. Look into the attached project. (7.4 KB)


This is amazing! :slight_smile:

Jeff disabled text replacement in reference designators. The reasons should be clear: they are mostly made automatically, should be simple, short and predictable, are exported to many files which would create problems with variables, backannotation would be problematic, could cause other unforeseeable problems, it’s difficult to find useful use cases for text variable in them, other EDA’s probably don’t have such a feature…

I guess nobody used that possibility which was available for a while.

If someone still finds unresolved text variables slipping to exported files where they should be resolved, see and

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