New custom library - why is it called ".pretty?"

I am trying to create a new footprint. I am using the Footprint Editor and trying to save it with its own name to some library/folder to be able to find it later.

I created a new library in a folder where I can actually save, and it’s calling it “.pretty” in the Libraries browser. Seriously?!? And I can’t find a way to make it register the name I gave it.

Thank you for your help.

It’s just a default. That suffix is from way way back. You can name it anything you like. I call mine .footprints.

The way renaming (or just naming) works is extremely counterintuitive. I could not name it anything I chose when I created it. Later, I can find it in Preferences, and then I can rename it, but I still can’t put it at the top of my list of libraries (even if I add a “_” at the beginning of the name).

Hmm, New Library does seem to enforce the .pretty. Normally I create the directory from outside KiCad from past habit. There is nothing special about the New Library action, it’s just a mkdir followed by a register to fp-lib-table.

Hi Rax,

An underscore will place your library at the bottom of the list. This FAQ has a blow by blow account of setting up personal libraries and naming them so they will appear wherever you wish in the Schematic and PCB editor lists.

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