If anyone is interested in testing the version 9 Multichannel layout tool with it I would be curious to see the result. I will not be able to import the result into version 8.09 but I would at least be curious to see an image. I would not expect anyone to try this unless this process is relatively quick and easy.
One Caveat: There is interconnect circuitry and other components (footprints and symbols) which are not in the repeated channels. I am sure that my layout will present shorts and other obstacles if the channels are simply placed in (approximate place) of my (TO220 on small individual heatsink) power transistors. The most I would expect anyone to do is to group and connect the four channels and maybe place them off to the side or somewhere where there will not be shorted connections.
Assuming I were to use the four channels as laid out by the multichannel tool, I would need to re-arrange the other tracks, zones, and footprints so the whole thing works.
I will update the schematic image in my earlier post to show a change, mostly a new combi symbol/footprint for the (smaller transistor or resistor).
This is intended to be a cheap 2 layer board. Once upon a time JLCPCB had a good price on 2 layer 100 mm x 100 mm boards (I do not know if they still do) so that is what this is.
I was not aware that you already placed the TO220 footprints at their designated position.
The multichannel algorithm currently does not respect any pre-placed footprint. You will have to move the placed footprints+tracks later to the desired position.
OK thanks. I had done a preliminary good layout of one channel, and also a preliminary rough placement of the other 3 TO-220s.
My idea was just to see whether the tool could replicate my placement and connections (tracks + zones) within Channel 1. If that worked then the idea would be to then manually move those blocks into the desired position and work the common circuitry around it.
If the tool could just do that replication portion of the job then that would be very helpful. I have often wished that I could replicate a layout with the desired ref designations.
EDIT: this is actually a response to the latest example by BobZ.
This thread interests me also because the old Replicate Layout plugin by @MitjaN didn’t originally have ability to respect predetermined positions for the “channels”. I gave feedback in Replicate layout: Action plugin - #11 by eelik where I told I would need “possibility to update in-place”. As you can see from the image there, I had pre-positioned connectors around which the layout should be replicated. Needing to re-position the layouts manually after each change doesn’t make sense.
I gave there the idea for “anchor” item which gives the position and rotation for the rest of the channel layout. That’s still the best idea I can come up with. Usually there’s at least one footprint in a channel which can be put into a fixed location beforehand. How that item is told to be the anchor item is another thing, there are several possibilities, but IMO the multichannel tool needs this feature to be complete. Otherwise it looks pretty good already and because it’s a native tool it could implement things which would be impossible to implement in plugins.
Usually there’s at least one footprint in a channel which can be put into a fixed location beforehand.
Yes, and then the multichannel tool could use this position.
But it works already if I invert the workflow:
first create all the replicated channels
and then move the channels into position. The multichannel tool groups all footprints/tracks/vias together, so it’s only one move-operation (or move by reference) to the desired position.
If I had positioned the anchor footprints in the ifrst place it helps to place dummy-circles for easier placement of the replicated groups