CSD19535KCS mosfet is not found in the library of kiCAD. How can I add this to the library and take it as a component?
The CSD19535KCS is just a regular N-channel MOSfet in TO220 housing.
As far as KiCad is concerned, there is not much need to have dedicated schematic symbols and footprints for such generic parts, but you do have to check the matching between the pin numbers between the schematic and the footprint.
If you type “Q_NM” in the search box when adding a schematic symbol, you see an overview of available schematic symbols:
Note that the “DSG” suffix are the Drain, Source and Gate in all 6 possible combinations.
For the footprint you can choose any of the 3-pin TO220 versions.
I like to use the footprint editor for finding footprints, because it has a search function. With “TO-220 -3_” (With a space between the 220 and the underscore!) you get an overview of the 3-pin variants of the TO220 packages.
This simple matching of a generic schematic symbol and a generic footprint is quite common in KiCad There are such an enormous amount of transistors available, that a database with all of them does not make much sense.
KiCad does support “fully specified” parts though. If you want you can create and maintain your own library with such parts by just copying it into a personal library.
More about library management:
A couple of other comments to add to those of paulvdh:
I think that almost all of us long term users of KiCad have learned to make many of our own symbols and keep them in our own libraries. DO NOT try to save your own symbols in the KiCad library as it will be overwritten when you update.
It is pretty easy to make your own symbols in KiCad.
Thank you, paulvdh. I will do that.
Thank you BobZ, for your reply. I want to design my KiCad symbols, could you please help me in how to design the MOSFET.
The simplest way to start with a personal library is to first create an empty library, then copy some existing schematic symbols to it, and then start modifying. Working with the schematic symbol editor is quite easy. It has a very similar user interface to Eeschema.
The details are in the link to library management already posted.
Yes I would say that starting with library symbol is typically what I would do although not always. I generally delete the outside circle and I like to make the pins shorter. This is just my own preference.
As paulvdh says the editing is much like the schematic editor. Just start something and “have at it”. Be sure to save your library in a place where you can keep and find what you need.
I have attached my own symbol libraries; zipped a couple of weeks ago.
Bobs Symbol Libraries 5.99.zip (44.5 KB)
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