Missing airwire in pcbnew - something strange happened! - cannot ignore part number suffixes

When I clicked that button, the gray numeral occluding pin 2 disappeared. Must have been activated. Thanks, Rene_Poschl

I see the three pins I placed on the devices leads in eeschema were numbered 1,2, and 4. Another clue something isn’t right.

P.S. Cannot ignore part no. suffices.

The “SM” version of the part uses only 3 of the 8 pins, they are pins “1”, “2”, and “3”, and the “Adjust” pin (called “R” for some reason) is between the “V+” and “V-” pins at that. So they would have been mapped to the 3 pins of a TO-92 footprint. At the worst, Russ would have to install the TO-92 package backwards from the silkscreened package outline.

Being the thoughtful person that he is, @Russ chose to make an error that created a didactic experience for himself and future perusers of this thread.


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