Mathematical operation in value field

For reference, the issue currently tracking that wishlist item in KiCad proper is here: Add support for evaluating math expressions in text (#6643) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab.

(I’m not a developer but…) this is an idea that tracks closely with existing plugins on the PCB Editor side. Something that is not critical to functionality, but nice to have. Simplifies a procedure that otherwise would be done by hand or including external tools. Particularly hard to implement in a way that will make everyone happy.

Unless a skilled developer wants this badly enough (over all of the other features and bug fixes in line), I would be very surprised if this shows up in KiCad anytime soon. There are aspects of this feature that would force KiCad to enforce Style Opinions (kΩ, k, MΩ, Mega, M, just to name a few) on users, which is something the KiCad developers have historically attempted to avoid. It also is a relatively limited use feature, very handy for the people who need it (especially for analog work, but still a relatively small target audience. Plugins get to avoid all of that by being opinionated or offering extensive configuration files that are not viable in the GUI-based KiCad. They are also easier to start small with and faster to iterate in new features.

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