Manually entering connections

Every system I’ve ever used has a way to manually enter a ratsnest in case there is no schematic. Can’t seem to figure out how to do it in KiCad. Possible/not possible? Thanks for any help.

You presumably talk about Pcbnew 5.1.x

There is no interactive feature to do that.

The only ‘manual’ way would be to write a net list text file and import it. Kind of tedious though.

In KiCad, and other EDA that I’m aware of, the terms Ratsnest and Netlist are different things.

If you have no schematic, but have a Netlist, there is the option, in PcbNew, to “Load netlist” from a main icon in the top toolbar with the reversed text “NET” in it at the bottom.

Once that is loaded properly, KiCad should display the Ratsnest to show were those Nets could connect to each other.

For this you can use WireIt: PCBNEW plugin for adding/cutting/swapping wires in the physical layout


Marvelous and very useful :+1:

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