I am now using a number of 3rd party Kicad plugins - Interactive HTML Box, @maui RF Footprints, KiAutotext, WireIt, Replicate layout, Archive project & Swap Pins/Units from @MitjaN.Additionally, there are a variety of footprint generating scripts.
Most of these are available from Github. In order to try and organise these and keep them updatable I have cloned them to an easily accessible path and then made soft links to them, putting the links into the relevant locations.
Has anyone come up with a better way of organising these - especially across a couple of different computers? I am using macOS, but I guess the principle applies whatever OS you use. The issues that I am struggling with are that many of the plugin repos are named similarly or even identically (‘kicad-action-script’ or similar), some of them need to be in the plugin root directory with additional resources. Some of these repos have both footprint generators (which live in /Applications/KiCad/kicad.app/Contents/SharedSupport/scripting
and get wiped out on an update) and also have components that live in ~/Library/Preferences/kicad/scripting/
(I am thinking @maui RF tools). I now have a dozen or more soft links to keep track of.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining, but I would be interested if anyone has an easier way to manage and update them? Personally, Think it would be great if KiCad could have a plugin manager - something like the Arduino one springs to mind.