Making a stereo amp project (with repeating circuits and layouts)

Hi all :slightly_smiling:
First post here…
I searched the KiCad manuals and the forum But I can’t find a method to something I want to do.
I am designing a small Hi-Fi amplifier as a first project in KiCad.
I want to build both channels of the stereo amplifier on the same PCB.
What I am trying to do is to copy one channel of the schematic on another sheet (append?) and then annotate the first channel the usual way (R1, R2 C1 etc…) and then annotate the second sheet with the same numbers ‘+100’ so R1 on sheet one becomes R101 on the second sheet and so forth.
So far all I was able to do is to get each sheet to be padded with hundreth values Sheet one R1 R2 R3
Sheet 2 R201 R202, sheet 3 R301 etc…
My schematics uses about 6 sheets plus a master sheet.
This is not a deal braker in using KiCad for me, but now I am curious to see if it can be done.

I also have another project on the burner for a an 8 channel microphone preamp, so the section would be coppied 8 times, which raises the next question:
once I have made a satisfactory parts placement for one channel, do I have to manually place all the same function components by hand or is there a way to ‘copy and paste’.
Pcboards for that sort of thing is very tedious by hand.
Thanks, Luc

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When I do the ‘hundred’ annotation, the first sheet gets 100+, the next 200+, and so on.

For your case:
If they are all the same in eeschema (the same devices have all the same positions on the sheet) it should be safe to re-annotate all sheets with the 100-sheeme, as it will follow the same pattern on each sheet, so the numbers should come out similar.
I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to get sheet one to have R1, R2 and sheet two to field R101, R102 as it doesn’t work that way.

As for the reuse-of-blocks-of-layout see here (this one will be your best shot):

This is definitely one for the wish list, a very common convention in stereo amplifiers.
KiCad is already a functional system. It’s these useful extra that make a great tool

This seems to be a popular topic recently. During research, I found this thread: Easy way to lay out a repeated circuit? I haven’t tried the script there, but maybe worth a look.

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Hi – Any updates on this stereo amplifier build? I am trying to accomplish the same so I thought to search in the forums before creating a new thread. Let me know your thoughts.

As @MitjaN in the other thread, he made a nice plugin to “repeat channels” layouts (hierarchical pages of same content). It works really nice to v5.1

We have working on update de code for v5.99 (future v6). I think most o the issues have been fix.

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It will be nice for several multi channel board.

The was some threads about

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