Make a previous project into a "daughterboard"

That thread has very similar content to this one, so It’s a good find, but also has no solution.

A real solution may be to be able to load a PCB into the footprint editor. Then you can modify it, delete unwanted things. maybe change castellated pads for the daughter board into SMT pads for the footprints, do pad renumbering (if the daughter board has multiple connectors) etc.

Until such a solution exists, (worth a feature request?) I guess the best option is to plan ahead. First make a footprint for the daughter board outline (including connectors), and then use that footprint both on the daughter board and in the mother board project.

Paul, I wonder if you have read at all what I have written. It’s possible to copy the board content to the fp editor.

I’m getting fuzzy again, I even mentioned Copy & Paste myself.
But before I’m going to leave my PC for a few hours, I just wanted to verify, and there seems to be a bug in this area.

I have a footprint on the PCB on the lef side, and opened that footprint in the footprint editor with [Ctrl + e]. After that I dragged a box around the footprint in the PCB editor (also selecting the track segments), copied them, and pasted them in the footprint editor. (on the right side). The pasted footprint has the pads shifted relative to the rest of the footprint. This offset also is not always the same, and sometimes the pad locations are correct.

I linked to a bug report in my first post in this thread. However, I’m not sure if the description in the report is 100% correct or if your bug is the same one. In any case paste doesn’t work correctly now, but the report has been marked as “medium” severity which means we can expect it to be fixed in near future (or at least hope :slight_smile: ).

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Thanks, I understand what you say and, in combination with @BlackCoffee’s solution I think I can manage and create what I need.
As per the communication issue: you’re right the problem is 1) I’m a non native English speaker 2) I’m an absolute beginner. I appreciate the patience you and the others have shown in order to solve my problem

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