Lost Library files... Should I upgrade?

Assuming that each last number change means about 50 bugs fixed we get from 7.0.1 to 7.0.11 something about 9*50 = 950 bugs fixed.
It is possible (of course not sure) that you just found one of those long time ago fixed bugs.
Because in few first new version releases bugs of type ‘computer hangs’ happens and I’m not a fun of adrenalin in work I moved to V7 when it was 7.0.3 or 7.0.4 and upgraded few days after each new stable version was released. I stayed with 7.0.11 till 8.0.3 was released and now I am at 8.0.7 (as it is already few days old).
Someone more conservative than me may migrate from V6 to the latest stable version of V7 when V8 is released.

Thank you to everyone with their helpful thoughts. After upgrading to 7.0.11 there are no library files to be found anywhere on the PC. I was thinking that installing the newer version would add the library but no. I think the only thing to do is to save/copy my project, uninstall KiCad and reinstall 7.0.11. It makes me very nervous to uninstall but I think it’s the only thing left to do. I tried some suggested fixes but nothing has worked because the library is not be found. I’ll try to reinstall the upgrade one more time so it will be a while before I uninstall. I’d appreciate any suggestions or cautions about my thoughts?

I chickened out. I found the new required footprint and changed it on the board per a suggestion here to go this route and ignore the issue in DRC. I will upgrade to V8 before I start my next project. Thanks again to all that chimed in. It really helps to hear everyones thoughts.

In all of this you neglected to tell us what OS you are on.

It would have been an easy matter to check in the filesystem to see if the library files are missing or you were basing that conclusion from not finding suitable footprints for your symbol after filtering.

If they really are missing, in Windows one way it could happen is that you chose to install the lite version of the KiCad package, which omits the libraries for people who just want the patched programs and not the libraries again.

But we won’t know now.

I don’t remember installing ever new version without uninstalling previous one. From time to time after uninstall I also ensure myself if really everything in directories KiCad installs in were deleted. I just like to have everything that I can have under control to knew that is as I expect it to be.
Libraries are always installed when KiCad is installed (Windows, installers of 1G+ size).
You can always run KiCad making it thinking that it is run for the first time at this PC, ever by just deleting the directories where KiCad have its configuration. I have read about it in getting started manual for KiCad V4 don’t knowing that everything I read is practically about V3 because I have read it before installing KiCad.

Uninstalling and re-installing KiCad rarely helps in any problems. It may help in case it didn’t install something at the first time, but even then it doesn’t fix problems in configuration.

It’s safe to start from scratch within the same major version, for example to go from 7.0.0 to 7.0.11. Or even vice versa, to downgrade from 7.0.11 to 7.0.0, if for some reason you want to.

However, you may still have a problem in your configuration. Rename your configuration folder and start KiCad again. See Where are the configuration files (settings, library tables)?.

I have noticed having to check the library select boxes in the full installer in the last two 8.0.x upgrades. This seems to be because i have been using the “lite” builds in Testing.

Probably. I have always used full version (even when few times installing Testing version). I always look through check-boxes, but never needed to modify anything there.

Libraries are installed, but library configuration files are not installed.

The problem @Gearbreaker is seeing is due to a broken library table as @retiredfeline suggested.

I recommend showing a screenshot of the dialogs: Preferences > Configure Paths and Preferences > Manage Footprint Libraries

Pitor, Great thought. I can get to “Configure Paths and Preferences” but there is no option for “Manage Footprint Libraries” I’ll attach a couple screenshots. BTW, the JST connector in the list is the one that I added to finish the project.

Configure Paths

OK. So from those screenshots:

  1. The Configure Paths part looks fine.

  2. You are showing the Project Specific Libraries tab in the Manage Footprint Libraries dialog. Please also show the Global Libraries tab.

  3. In the Project Specific Libraries, the rows “lib” and “library” are incorrect and should be removed: First, paths in Program Files/KiCad should generally never be added to project-specific libraries. Second, neither of these is a valid path to a footprint library that ships with KiCad.

  4. KiCad footprint libraries (not symbol libraries) are folders (not files) that end with a .pretty. So the fourth entry, JST 2 pin looks like a proper footprint library. The first entry, Voltage regulator does not.

  5. While the JST 2 pin library looks like a valid footprint library, its path is odd, it is inside the backups folder for your project. This is probably a mistake and I recommend moving it so that it is not inside the backups folder.

Get rid of the Spaces in the path Strings and fix the Slashes

@BlackCoffee I don’t think that will matter.

It matter’s on my Mac! And, as I recall, Windows doesn’t like Forward slashes

Spaces definitely do not matter (spaces in paths are fine)

I would have to check a Windows machine to check if the slashes matter there. If so, that’s a bug that could be fixed, but OP is using 7.0 so it doesn’t matter anyway.

The plot thickens. I did a complete search for .pretty files in all drives and nothing was returned. Strange. Here is the directory structure…

I dumped the JST footprint where I did out of desperation in an attempt to get one step closer to finish the project. I will move it when I get the non existent sorted out. Right now I wouldn’t know where to put it.

The lib folder is not for symbol/footprint libraries. Those should be in the share folder.

Again, please show a screenshot of your global footprint library table.

Project-specific libraries can just go directly in the project folder (or anywhere else)

Global libraries you have added normally would go in your Documents folder, but can go on some other place where you store files if you want. The only place they should not go is inside the KiCad application directory in Program Files.

Ah, hah. Getting closer, now we know that they exist! I will now fix the slashes that BlackCoffee Recommended.

OK, well I wish you good luck, but it is hard to give someone help who is ignoring suggestions and requests for clarification

I can’t / won’t speak for anybody’s system but, I do know about my System…