Loosing schematic library symbols

that’s very odd. Can you import the ‘broken’ symbols into pcbnew or the schematic editor? You may have to roll back your windows or use kicad in a linux virtual machine or something.

Yes, it is odd. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out where. No, the broken symbols are lost. Thanks for you help, but I think the problem is with Windows, there are a lot of issues posted on the Microsoft website regarding the October update of Windows and the “read-Only” file property that cannot be changed. As a last resort I think I have to roll-back the update.

Thanks everyone for your assistance, I think I have found the problem.
I still have an old version of Protel installed on my computer, and the cache file was associated with Protel and not KiCAD. When I changed this the problem went away. I found this by accident, but at least I found it. Thanks again.

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