I’m looking for a part kit for using the 4-pin tactile switches with integral LED.
something like this? (In version 5, found in the library “switch”. might have existed already in version 4 but i am not sure about that.)
there is also one for a switch (SW_Switch_LED)
Close. thanks. I’m looking for the schematic symbol and parts file for a 6-pin device. It’s 4 pins for the tactile switch and 2 pins for the LED.
Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Anyone?
Simply modify the symbol i showed you.
Maybe also read the following faq posts:
- What is the difference between footprints and symbols?
- How does KiCad know which symbol pin represents which pad of the footprint?
- How can i assign a footprint to a symbol?
- Tutorial: How to make a footprint in KiCad 5.1.x (From scratch)?
And look at the button switch footprints and symbols already in the library to see how it is done there. (A lot of buttons have 4 leads but their symbol has only two pins. Maybe something similar will be the case for your component.)
Without a datasheet nobody will be able to give you more information.
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