What sorry? I don’t get it.
Only if you are allergic to git.
I’m not allergic to Git. I do use GitHub on daily basis and I already released the EDA500 template for KiCAD.
I’m allergic to the no-yet-fully-working Git included into KiCAD for the time being. I hope it will be fixed very soon. Not to attend a major release but also in a minor release.
Ok that was the other guy then. So you know what I mean by MR on the symbol library containing 2N3819.
Ok I will do it there … inside the official library then. Perfect.
Just a thing: the flipped one already present is just called 2N3819. How would you suggest to call the one I will do? 2N3819F? (flipped) 2N3819THE_BEST? Any idea?
2N3819_SGD. There is precedent for this, some symbols are suffixed, by for example EBC, indicating the pin order of the terminals.
Ok I will follow this suggestion then