which is mine. this is a dropbox folder on my work computer but same principles apply. Which is why i use my own path variables so that whichever machine I use i point to the right location and the identical files are always there.
The dropbox folder might be a hardlink (or whatever the windows equivalent is) and its real location might be under where the template dir variable links to. (i seem to remember somebody having reported strange behaviors with dropbox under windows as it does some weird path trickery. The solution back then was to find the real file system location of the dropbox folder and use that instead of the “virtual” location)
You might in general be better of (long term) by using a true version control system (git, svn, …) as it can save your ass in situations where dropbox will leave you in a bad place.
Well I do use the absolute paths. I navigate to the folder. It worked fine for Circuit Studio. It might be better to just use my drive all the time as it is a portable one but I’d rather not plug it into my work PC as it contains all of my stuff and a lot of personal information and IT can access the computers any time. The drive is encrypted so if anyone gets hold of it it is useless to them but once plugged in and in use if i walk away it’s there for anyone to access remotely.
Just to generally re-assure you. I am no software expert. But I have produced several KiCad schematics, always using many of my own parts and have not lost any. You have made some sort of error, hopefully recoverable.
As i have already said the computer this all happened on is some miles away at work and I happen to be off sick. It could be that I have setup a path wrong and once copied to my home machine the problem has shown itself, I will only know when I do go back to work and get the information requested.
The empty libraries is a very strange one. They work fine on my home machine and one physically reloaded on the work machine.