Layout questions


  1. I have a project that has some problems with the footprint I made for sw1 and sw3 which should be identical.
    SW3 pin 3 shows PTH pad3 AND PTH pad4? You can see the rats’ nest multiple connections.
    The footprint for SW1 doesn’t have this issue. I don’t know how to fix this.
  2. I originally drew the schematic with only the SW1 circuit. I needed two of these and then thought of making it one PCB with two circuits on it.
    I want to make the 12 VDC input ONE connector, and I am not sure what would happen with the PCB if I altered the schematic to make J1 and J5 into just J1 and did a UPDATE PCB FROM SCHEMATIC.
    I want to do the same thing for the PCP, making J3 and J8 just J3.
    I attached the files, and any help is greatly appreciated.
    MAIN-PRGM TRACK SWITCH II - .kicad_sch (58.9 KB)
    MAIN-PRGM TRACK SWITCH II - .kicad_pcb (125.4 KB)
    MAIN-PRGM TRACK SWITCH II - .kicad_prl (1.3 KB)
    MAIN-PRGM TRACK SWITCH II - .kicad_pro (14.2 KB)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Newbie PCB layout questions