Laying out my first board (with KiCAD)

Toes don’t have range of motion needed for effective mousing. I do pick things up with them.

Now, on the redrawing of the board, I can’t get my filled zone on the back copper to work. It doesn’t give me any fill in the print or the outlines around the other traces when I type B. I used the “Fill Zone” option in the right-click menu…

See, I’ve used Dale’s DPACK footprint, though the pin numbers were different from the footprint I used before, so I used a programming editor to adjust the pin numbers in Dale’s. I didn’t feel like right clicking all of those pads and going through the menu to change each of the independently.

Feet are bare, as they should be, of course

The screenshot shows a hatched green zone (=B.Cu)… is that the GND zone or something else?
Is there a pad/track with net GNDREF within that zone (and on B.Cu)? Otherwise it wont fill… as the Bat-1 pad seems to sit on F.Cu only.

Coming back to it later in the day, it seems to work as I expect. It even works not connected to the internet.

I think KiCad is quicker to use than what I’m used to. When you get it all laid out with freepcb, you then have to fiddle everything to pass DRC. Easier to get it right with KiCad, I think.

I have some open pins on the processor. I might add a button or two or bring them out to slobber pads.

Posted from a friend’s where barefooted brats are allowed

how to go back to the regular mode after you hit F11 ?

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Thanks for your help :slight_smile: