KiCad version 5 slow to open a project

For me, I tried hard on many versions of 5.x, still see 4.0.7 more usable for the many main parts of the design. Largest design with 4.0.7 I had was 43k Pads, 1k Nets, 14k Track Segments (Open in a seconds). Try it on 5.x, way too long for just open it up/or forever in some versions.

@nhatkhai There is a second option now available with the upcoming 5.0.2 release as the developers have added another download just for this, that is not the nightlies.

Almost 5.0.2

I have an earlier version, and it works quite well. And, as far as speed goes, it leaves the Version 4 derivatives in the dust. Sometimes one of the builds will get an unexpected bug, but I would not suggest the version I liked to if I expected that you would experience any issues.

  • 4.0.7 took ~6.5seconds to open, ~1seconds to close. Zoom in/out in OpenGL took maybe ~1/4second each step. Zoom In Cairo is took ~1seconds each step.
  • The link 5.0 to jenkin-103 build: Sometime take forever, sometime open in ~5seconds, sometime in ~8second. took ~2 seconds to close down pcbnew. Zoom in/out took ~1 seconds each step.

Hi! Friendly reminder here that devs do not know about this bug because it has not been reported. It can not be fixed until/unless it is reported.

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Tagging on to Seth’s comment to add that whenever possible, if you are able to attach sample files to bug reports it will help with things like this. We probably have many performance corner cases, but sometimes they are very hard to reproduce without having the exact file that causes problems. In my experience, KiCad has gotten faster over time not slower, and that just means that I don’t have the right files to reproduce the performance problems!

And this current one is another reason cannot use 5.x version yet. The Ratsnet - It lose the ability to allow user to select only a set of nets that are currently interesting while doing the component placement. 5.x change the feature to component base no longer PADs/NET base that struggle me.

I have relate this to a bug report. But not sure it still relate when this talk had just move to a new blog.

I must have missed it. Can you post the link?

It is not “real” report in its own - since I cannot submit data that not belong to me, I don’t have evident to submit it as a separated bug.

The report you linked here is about Net Highlight speed. This is probably a different issue from slow opening, zooming and closing. I would recommend making a separate bug report. Otherwise we fix the highlight issue and your zoom issue remains (because we didn’t know that it was a problem).

I understand that you cannot share data that do not belong to you. Would you be able to test some other data and see if the issue is the same there?

Here are some larger KiCad projects:


If your issue recreates on either of these boards, you can point people to them instead of your work data as good examples of the issue.

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Will try - This is why I need to stay on this forum before bugging the dev team. Without evident, it just same as complains, not really help, isn’t it?

It is always a help to know that there is an issue. No evidence required. Your experience is the only proof needed.

More reports are always, always, always better.

Now, that said, if we can’t recreate the issue, we will depend on you to test nightly builds to see if we fixed the issue. Teamwork. :slight_smile:

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