KiCad user manual refresh - what topics do you most want to know about?

Is an index better than keyword search? (I am not sure). But I far prefer digesting technical information in a searchable electronic format rather than hard copy. Makes it much easier to find information. I think that indexes often seem to omit (just what I am looking for) that is contained in the text.

But to get back to the core question; mainly for schematic capture; I am trying to remember how to de-select symbols or wires from a window selected group. I saw that posted somewhere but cannot find it…

IMHO index is better. Keywords are good if you know the technical terms used in a program, but if you are not sure of a term used, indexes are an easier way to eliminate what you are not looking for.

Bus naming, bus entries and hierarchical bus connections documentation seems to need some love.

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I think an explanation of the custom DRC rules is completely missing.

I have a vague memory of gitlab of a promise by one of the people who implemented the rules to at least write a short section about it.

The custom design rules are already fairly well documented at - please note anything that you find missing.

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As we are moving to the primary format of the documentation being a website, I’m not sure how much an index makes sense (vs. search). An index to me is most useful in a printed manual where you can refer to page numbers. Open to ideas here (either on how an index could be useful on a website, or on how we can make search better)

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