KiCad StepUp: The Sketcher for Footprint generation

Hello, everybody.
I’m trying to create the footprint of an ACS758 Current Sensor:

If I try to export the Footprint in the meantime I get the following messages:

exporting new footprint
saving to C:/Users/steinj/…
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
construction skipped
2d closed path
2d closed path
2d closed path
2d closed path
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
pad in pad found!
Running the Python command ‘ksuToolsFootprintGen’ failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\steinj\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod\”, line 1783, in Activated
File “C:\Users\steinj\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod\”, line 16741, in PushFootprint
File “C:\Users\steinj\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod\”, line 17340, in export_footprint
File “C:\Users\steinj\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod\”, line 18042, in collect_drl
pads.remove(d) ## remove drls from pads

list.remove(x): x not in list

Any idea if my sketch is faulty or the StepUpTools have a problem with the many holes in the Pad ?

This is my FC sketch:
5-Pin_PFF.FCStd (8.9 KB)

Tanks in advance for your help.

From the screenshot:

I assume the small circles should be vias (plated through holes) inside the larger pad.
Move them into a separate sketch named for tht pads. Each such pad must also define a second larger circle that will be used to get a copper restring.

Hello, Rene,
yes, the little circles are supposed to be vias.
I have now put them into an extra sketch called “Pads_TH”, but they are not exported. If I rename the sketch to “Pads_NPTH” they will be exported as PadType “NPTH mechanisch” in (german) KiCad.
Do you know the exact name of the sketch for this TH-Pads = vias?

Best regards

Check the examples that come with stepup. I think one of them contains tht pads.

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this is a tough footprint! :smiley:
I managed to do it in 3 steps:

  1. the main fp
  2. the th pads for left pad
  3. the th pads for right pad
  4. export 3 fps and merge manually (50.6 KB) (1.7 KB)


Hi @maui, great work.
I will try to create this footprint myself again to better understand the possibilities of the KiCadTools.

Thanks Juergen


Is it possible that offset pads are not (yet) supported by StepUp, or should this be considered a bug? Attached picture shows an offset pad/drill in KiCad, which doesn’t render properly in FC with the latest StepUp.

StepUp should support correctly offset pads when importing a footprint into FreeCAD…
Does it work for you opening your footprint in FreeCAD?

A different case is when you import the tracks inside FreeCAD (still using StepUp)…
This is a completely different parser and it is not fully tested (particularly by me) because it is a much less used tool compared to the one used to align 3D model to its footprint.

Would you mind to upload the footprint here (in zipped format because the forum doesn’t support well .kicad_mod files)?
Would you please open an issue at StepUp repo, after having checked which part of StepUp is failing with the fp?


I tried to create this NPTH for a USB Type C connector but it looks like KiCadStepUp doesn’t support it. Can you confirm?



would you please add the FC file?

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@maui thank you for making the video showing the 7-step process of integrating a manufacturer’s .stp model into Kicad.

  1. Does the manufacturer provide different .zip files of these models for different operating system – one
    for MS-Windows, one for linux, one for MAC, etc.-- or are all these different versions included in the .zip file?

  2. Will these work with freecad 0.18 ?

  3. I see your method requires StepUp WB. What is this software and is it available for linux?

Feel to free to check it npth.FCStd (102.2 KB)

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KiCAD doesn’t support a drill like the one of the pad in your example… there are two options:

  1. create a polyline pad and add and edge-cuts inside (not fully supported in kicad stable)
  2. create a polyline pad and add two overlapping oval drills, approximating the slot

Both solutions should be doable with StepUp


the STEP format is independent from the OS


StepUp Workbench is a FreeCAD workbench that can be installed through the FreeCAD Addons installer, available for all the platforms


When from freecad 0.18 I clicked Tools…Addon manager, an “Addon manager” viewport pops up and displays “CfdOF”. Then the program appears to get stuck in an infinite loop. Is there something else I needed to do first ?
Is FreeCAD Addons installer a separate program ?

It seems the FreeCad folks change enough such that links often get broken between versions. If the Addon Mgr doesn’t work for you, the alternate is to put the unzipped folder into the Mod folder (I usually just do it this way).

Before trying it, see if the Addon Mgr will work via these steps:
Turn OFF any internet blocking software
Run the Addon Mgr and WAIT a few minutes while it links up and searches.
(look at the panel/tab as needed)
If it fails, try the Alternate approach…

But, where is the correct Mod folder? You’ll need to find the one that holds currently installed FreeCad plugins. There are a couple of locations, depends on your system and how you install FreeCad. And, they be duplicated but, only one is correctly linked.

Image below shows correct location for my system/setup…

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FC0.18 has some issues with driver video … I would suggest to move to FC0.19 wich is near to be the next stable release, already with many issues patched… There you shouldn’t have any issue with the addons manager

Hello, new to Kicad StepUp, i succeded to make a footprint from scratch (thanks for the tutorial).
Now I want to modify an existing footprint.
So I load the .mod file and then I have “_module_fp” group in FC and I can’t figure how modify it ?
Have you a tutorial for this ?

Thanks !

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@edouardreg ATM the tool is aimed only to push the FC sketch model to KC and it cannot reload the fp to change it further… the only way is to keep your FC file and make the changes in there; after your changes are made, push the new fp to KC.

Thanks for your answer ! Got it now : I succeeded in modifying FC files…

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