Thank you for the fast response.
Actually, I was using the Ubuntu repo version of Kicad (4.0.7) which I think still used .WRL file rather than STEP. However, I am reasonably sure that I am using either the .WRL or the new STEP file because a) they are in a different folder and b) the Y and Z values are spot on, which they certainly aren’t in the original model.
sometimes the model used in the pcb file (.kicad_pcb) has different x,y,z orientation values compared to the module used for orienting the model file (.kicad_mod)
The .kicad_mod file has this:
(model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Connectors_DSub.3dshapes/DSUB-26-HD_Male_Vertical_Pitch2.29x1.98mm_MountingHoles.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
Whilst the .kicad_pcb has this:
(model /home/iwbnwif/Development/kicadtry/libraries/DB25RA_M.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
But if I look in ${KISYS3DMOD} there is no /Connectors_DSub.3dshapes folder, so I assume that the .kicad_pcb overrides it?
Anyway, I think they are the same orientation.
Reading those two posts, I wondered if it is a mismatch between the current StepUp and the old version of Kicad, so I installed the nightly build but the problem remains.
You should check your footprint offset values in the pcbnew file …
The new (nightly build) version of Kicad is really nice here. The 3D dialog includes a preview and I can force the connector to the correct position by setting the X offset to -1.3000 inches. After that Kicad 3D and StepUp import .kicad_pcb into FreeCAD are perfect!
After the upgrade and adjustment in the Kicad 3D dialog, the .kicad_pcb file looks like this:
(model /home/iwbnwif/Development/kicadtry/libraries/DB25RA_M.step
(offset (xyz -33.01999950408936 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
So, problem is solved by a workaround - thank you
It would be nice to know why I need to offset -1.300 inches, but not essential.