Kicad and GIT repositories

I have been creating my projects on Kicad on my Mac laptop. My laptop is annoying to use at my work bench because it takes up space, so I setup a an Intel NUC with Ubuntu and dropbox to share the project files so I could look at layouts at my workbench. When I open the projects they complain about missing libraries that exist on my Mac but not on Linux. Which is expected. I could put all my libraries on GITHub and things would be better, but then I have to create a new git repository for EVERY category/library I create. My question is, is there a way for me to set up so that all my component libraries can be in one git repository and all my footprints in another git repository and still have them as separate libraries and without me having to manage GIT when I want to sync?

I guess that’s what I’m trying to avoid, while I agree it’s not “difficult”. It’s I’m lazy, and would like to live in a world where I can ignore checking in and out of things and just let kicad manage that.

Like @Andy_P, I have a single library project, but using Git on GitLab for version control. However, since it is just yourself, and you seem to care more about the shared library and less about version control, I think you could just add your library folder to Dropbox or the like. Make sure Kicad is pointed to the same library folder on both machines. You can “ignore checking in and out of things”. Of course just make sure your only editing on one system at time!

KiCAD is not locking files when it opens them in the editors (symbols/footprints) so even that is not a problem that will crash something.

KiCAD is reloading data from the libs/repos when you open the respective manager (in case you do external changes to libs/repos and want to force a reload while keeping KiCAD running).