KiCAD 8 How to disable hardware acceleration?

I have been running KiCAD 7 for a long time without a problem. However, when I upgraded to KiCAD 8 I found out that I can’t disable hardware acceleration. Ubuntu has a severe bug with some graphics drivers that causes programs using accelerated graphics to freeze (mostly google chrome behaves this way) and I just realized that this issue also occurs on KiCAD 8 as well. I can’t disable the hardware acceleration to test if it goes away. How to accomplish this?

Thank you

In Preferences (CTRL+,) select either “Accelerated graphics” or “Fallback graphics” under display options for each of the editors.

This is from the Windows 11 version of KiCad 8.0.0.
My installation of KiCad 7.0.11 works the same way. Perhaps I have misunderstood the issue.

Thanks for your reply, this seems to solve my issue. But I was referring to this question:

That reply is out of date.

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