KICAD_CONFIG_HOME (XDG… works but isn’t recommended because of side effects on some *nix systems).
Thanks, Dale! T-shirt purchased!
14 posts were split to a new topic: EEschema grid sizes and request for precise symbol drawing tools
I noticed the download page says that it’s confirmed to work with MacOS X 10.11 through 10.13 - Just wanted to let everyone know that up until a week or so ago (when my Mac Pro bit the dust) I was using the Nightlies on 10.10.5 Yosemite. So you can say confirmed to work on 10.10 - 10.13. No issues at all.
Thanks to EVERYONE who put time into this Masterpiece… “may the PCB gods bless you and all your footprints always be correct”.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: EEschema grid sizes and request for precise symbol drawing tools
Just realized that one month (and a couple of days) has passed since the V5 Official Release!
There is still another month (minus a couple of days) to still contribute to V6 accelerated development!
Wonder what they can come up with when they have double the requested funding?
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