Keep zone outline at 90/45 degree angles while editing

When I create copper zones, the 90/45 degree constraints are respected during zone creation. However, when I later modify the zone outline, I often do not manage to keep these constraints (particularly when moving corners. When I move edge segment centers this works).
Is there a way to “fix” the position of a corner so that it is at the intersection of vertical/horizontal/diagonal segments from the adjacent outline points?

I think the best you can do is use the grid to your advantage . . . you might also get some mileage of using the local coordinate system and using Space to reset it.

So when you want to move a corner, select the fill, move your mouse to the corner so it snaps to it, hit Space then when you move the corner you can ensure you are placing it where X=0 or Y=0 depending on the direction you are moving it.

If you fix the corner then adjacent segments could not be moved (perpendicularly to them).
If I want to preserve 0/45/90 I move edge segments by their centers.
If I want to divide 1 segment into typically 3 segments with first and last with the direction of divided one and the center section 45 regards them then possibility of moving single corners helps.
The solution like Break Track and then D (I use for tracks) would be helpful here but in tracks I always have 45 between adjacent segments so when drag adds new segment at 45 is always ok. In zones outline I sometimes have 90 corners so I’m not sure if break+drag method will always know what user wants.

Yes, that is what I do. But when I need to add additional corners (or remove some) then this breaks…

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